Prevalence and Clinical Features of Erectile Dysfunction in Bangladeshi Men

Author Details

Dr. A K M Rejaul Haque, Dr. Md. Atiqul Haque, Dr. Momenun Nahar Saki, Dr. Farha Zaman, Dr. Mohammad Lutfur Rahman Rahat, Dr. Abdullah Al Faisal, Dr. Tawfique Raffat Islam, Dr A S M Saifulla Morshed

Journal Details


Published: 18 November 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common global issue affecting men’s sexual health, defined as the inability to maintain an erection for intercourse. ED results from neurovascular, endocrine, and psychological processes and leads to significant impacts on intimacy, productivity, and quality of life. ED is age-related and inversely related to education and income. High stress, anxiety, and risky lifestyles like smoking and drinking increase ED risk.

Aim of the study: The study aims to assess the prevalence and clinical profile of patients presenting with ED among Bangladeshi men.

Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study took place at the Department of Dermatology & Venereology, BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh, utilizing a purposive sampling technique. Forty-five adult married male patients with erectile dysfunction, aged 21-70, were selected. Erectile dysfunction severity was assessed using the Bengali version of the IIEF. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0, and the results were presented in tables and graphs.

Result: The study population primarily consisted of younger individuals, with 42.2% aged 21-30 and 37.8% aged 31-40. The average age was 35.07 ± 7.45 years. In terms of education, 35.6% had primary education, and 22.2% had graduate-level education. Most participants were employed in service-related jobs (55.6%) or were businessmen (26.7%). Nearly all (97.8%) were from middle-income backgrounds. Moderate ED affected 51.1%, mild ED 37.8%, and severe ED 11.1%. Obesity was common, with 64.44% being obese. Smokers comprised 37.8%. Sexual comorbidities affected 51.11%, with premature ejaculation being the most common. Psychiatric comorbidities were observed in 40%, including major depressive disorder.

Conclusion: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is prevalent among younger Bangladeshi men, with a mean age of 35.07 years. Moderate ED affected 51.1%, while 51.11% had sexual comorbidities, and 40% had psychiatric conditions like major depressive disorder. Early intervention, lifestyle changes, and comprehensive healthcare strategies are crucial for effective management.

Keywords: Prevalence, Clinical Features, Erectile Dysfunction.

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Article Type

Research Article

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Dr. A K M Rejaul Haque, Dr. Md. Atiqul Haque, Dr. Momenun Nahar Saki, Dr. Farha Zaman, Dr. Mohammad Lutfur Rahman Rahat, Dr. Abdullah Al Faisal, Dr. Tawfique Raffat Islam, Dr A S M Saifulla Morshed. (2024-11-18). "Prevalence and Clinical Features of Erectile Dysfunction in Bangladeshi Men." *Volume 6*, 1, 6-13